Friday, May 22, 2020

The Health Of Our Citizens - 804 Words

The health of our citizens is abysmally poor in comparison to previous generations and the health of West Virginians ranks among the lowest in the nation. According to recent data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) in 2010, WV ranked sixth the nation in obesity and first in the nation in diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular morbidity. This health crises doesn’t just affect adults but children. The lifestyle habits impact our health are formed often we are very young. Depressed economy coupled with many areas of geographic isolation, makes it difficult for West Virginia’s children and families to maintain an adequate diet. Poverty also has a negative impact on the quality of the meals that can be provided. Families often resort to inexpensive, low-nutrition, high-calorie meals. National Survey of Children’s Health data revealed that 47.4% of WV children ages 10-17 living in families with incomes of less than 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL) were either overweight or obese. In addition to problems with health and nutrition, WV has dramatic problems related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It is estimated that there will be around 8,399 DUI s, and 100 deaths due to intoxicated driving this year. Statistics also show that there will be 509 deaths related to alcohol abuse, 2,609 tobacco related deaths, and 101 deaths due to illicit drug use. As the health of our citizens in West Virginia and the United States is at a crisisShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Organisms Are Dangerous Or Bad For Our Citizen s Health1025 Words   |  5 Pagesmodified DNA to humans who consume certain crops, and the presence of the chemical Glyphosate which has been linked to certain birth defects; many people have developed the belief that genetically modified organisms are dangerous or bad for our citizen’s health. However, there are several creatable examples that could contradict these assumptions. First of all, with new genetic engineering technology scientists are now able to reduce the development of pollution created by pesticides. This is accomplishedRead MoreThe Need for Health Care Reform Essay1086 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract It is time for our government to take a step away from war and look to meeting the needs of their own citizens. The need for health care reform is more evident than ever. 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